Hot & satanned song lyrics
She was the type they pushed around
All her short life they put her down
She answered to repulsive like a name
No-one's for sure just when she died
Coroner said she's putrified
"Ritual Suicide" C.O.D. claimed
They called her fat and ugly
The devil made her lovely
She's back from the dead
Hot and satanned
So now who's laughing
She's back from the dead
Hot and satanned
Her whips are lashing
In the school halls they all make way
All of her tormentors will pay
Footsteps she leaves behind burst into flames
Now no-one dares to say anything
Those god damn bitches want to scream
Cause she's the ultimate homecoming queen
Now all their heads are turning
All those damn hoes are burning
She's back from the dead
Hot and satanned
So now who's laughing
She's back from the dead
Hot and satanned
Her whips are lashing
She's smoking, she's smoking
Came back from the grave
Hot and satanned
She's smoking, she's smoking
Reborn in the flames
Hot and satanned
She's hot and satanned
She's hot and satanned
So now who's laughing
She's back from the dead
Hot and satanned
Her whips are lashing
She's smoking, she's smoking
Came back from the grave
Hot and satanned
She's smoking, she's smoking
Reborn in the flames
Hot and satanned
She's hot and satanned
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lyrics for Hot & satanned, the 11th song of the 13 recorded for the album Sexorcism, with a total running time of 62:40, by Lordi. It was released on May 25, 2018 via AFM Records, and produced by Mikko Karmila.