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System Of A Down music lyrics

System Of A Down lyrics
System of a Down is an American alternative metal band, formed in 1994 from Los Angeles, California. All four members are of Armenian descent, and are widely known for their outspoken views expressed in many of their songs confronting the Armenian Genocide of 1915 by the Ottoman Empire and the ongoing War on Terror by the US government. The band consists of Serj Tankian (vocals), Daron Malakian (vocals, guitar), Shavo Odadjian (bass, vocals) and John Dolmayan (drums). System of a Down has achieved commercial success with five albums, and many singles such as their breakout hit “Chop Suey!” “Toxicity,” “Aerials,” “B.Y.O.B.,” “Question!” “Hypnotize,” and “Lonely D...
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System Of A Down albums and songs lyrics

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System Of A Down - Mezmerize lyrics
Mezmerize lyrics 
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Mezmerize lyrics
System Of A Down - Hypnotize lyrics
Hypnotize lyrics 
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Hypnotize lyrics
System Of A Down - Steal This Album! lyrics Steal This Album! lyrics
1. Chic 'N Stu  
2. Innervision  
3. Bubbles  
4. Boom!  Boom! Youtube video included
5. Nuguns  
6. A.D.D. (American Dream Denial)  
7. Mr. Jack  Mr. Jack Youtube video included
8. I-E-A-I-A-I-O  
9. 36  
10. Pictures  
11. Highway Song  Highway Song Youtube video included
12. Fuck The System  
13. Ego Brain  
14. Thetawaves  
15. Roulette  
16. Streamline  Streamline Youtube video included
System Of A Down - Toxicity lyrics
Toxicity lyrics 
Toxicity at Toxicity at wikipedia Toxicity at spotify
Toxicity lyrics
1. Prison Song  Prison Song Youtube video included
2. Needles  Needles Youtube video included
3. Deer Dance  Deer Dance Youtube video included
4. Jet Pilot  Jet Pilot Youtube video included
5. X  
6. Chop Suey!  Chop Suey! Youtube video included
7. Bounce  Bounce Youtube video included
8. Forest  Forest Youtube video included
9. ATWA  ATWA Youtube video included
10. Science  Science Youtube video included
11. Shimmy  
12. Toxicity  Toxicity Youtube video included
13. Psycho  Psycho Youtube video included
14. Aerials  Aerials Youtube video included
15. Arto  
System Of A Down - System Of A Down lyrics System Of A Down lyrics
1. Suite-Pee  Suite-Pee Youtube video included
2. Know  Know Youtube video included
3. Sugar  Sugar Youtube video included
4. Suggestions  Suggestions Youtube video included
5. Spiders  Spiders Youtube video included
6. DDevil  DDevil Youtube video included
7. Soil  Soil Youtube video included
8. War?  War? Youtube video included
9. Mind  Mind Youtube video included
10. Peephole  
11. Cubert  
12. Darts  Darts Youtube video included
13. P.L.U.C.K.  P.L.U.C.K. Youtube video included

More about System Of A Down lyrics

System of a Down has been labeled nu metal by some fans and media in its early days. This can be attributed to the release of their first album, which occurred during the nu metal boom, in the mid-90s. Added to this, the band participated in the Ozzfest festival, a festival known for featuring significant bands in the nu metal genre.
Guitarist and songwriter Daron Malakian said in an interview with Guitar World that he is pleased that System of a Down has not slipped into the nu metal genre. During a concert in 2005, he said: 'They used to say that we were a nu metal group, now they say that we are progressive rock. I think they call us anything that is popular'In a 2005 interview with the Houston Press, Daron said, 'Lately we've been doing interviews, and people have been saying something like, 'You guys are really leading the new progressive movement,' and I wonder if that's the case. Because a couple of years ago these people compared us to Limp Bizkit and Korn, and now that we are still here and those bands are not, they are talking about the progressive. It is quite irritating that people always have to have something to compare or group with. I'm not saying that we're the most original band in the world, but I really don't feel like we fall into a heavy metal or pure rock category. There are various elements intermingled in one'.
check here most of album and songs lyrics to System Of A Down music. Our databases have 6 albums and a total of 69 songs of System Of A Down lyrics. Feel free to contact us if you find something missing or wrong.

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