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Slashion model girls lyrics by Lordi

Lordi Slashion model girls lyrics
  • track 8 of 13, total running time 62:40
  • album Sexorcism
  • released in May 25, 2018
  • produced by Mikko Karmila
  • record label AFM Records
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Slashion model girls song lyrics

She had a test shoot at the agency
They said she'll be a star
A first class ticket and promised dream
She vows up to work real hard

And in the make-up chair, gave her a drink
She started to feel odd
The stylist cut and chopped, she couldn't scream
Both of her ears were gone

Cutting off the whole face
Flipped around inside out, sewn in place
Crawling on the runway
And trying to get away

Murder's in style for slashion model girls
Looks killer, the season's thriller
Murder's in style for slashion model girls
Looks killer, the season's thriller

They gather round for the exclusive show
The lights dim for the start
Up on the runway in the spotlights glow
She wonders who they are

With knives that glitter and their eyes stone cold
All set to play their part
The monoyed crowd left her no place to go
The first blade starts to arc

Cutting off the whole face
Flipped around inside out, sewn in place
Crawling on the runway
And trying to get away

Murder's in style for slashion model girls
Looks killer, the season's thriller
Murder's in style for slashion model girls
Looks killer, the season's thriller

In secrecy they meet to share their passion
And for their fun their models will die
It's the ultimate in killer fashion
Next season's gonna be a good time

Cutting off the whole face
Flipped around inside out, sewn in place
Crawling on the runway
And trying to get away

Murder's in style for slashion model girls
Looks killer, the season's thriller
Murder's in style for slashion model girls
Looks killer, the season's thriller

Murder's in style for slashion model girls
Looks killer, the season's thriller
Murder's in style for slashion model girls
Looks killer, the season's thriller

More info about Slashion model girls lyrics

check here the lyrics for Slashion model girls, the 8th song of the 13 recorded for the album Sexorcism, with a total running time of 62:40, by Lordi. It was released on May 25, 2018 via AFM Records, and produced by Mikko Karmila.
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