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Sodomesticated animal lyrics by Lordi

Lordi Sodomesticated animal lyrics
  • track 12 of 13, total running time 62:40
  • album Sexorcism
  • released in May 25, 2018
  • produced by Mikko Karmila
  • record label AFM Records
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Sodomesticated animal song lyrics

You look cold and hungry
And in need of stroking
I can catch trays with tasers
Take 'em home for pokin'

Hey kitty, kitty
You're smooth as silk
I want to hear you purr
You wanna licky and I got milk
Gonna shave of all your fur

I want you to be my pet
Gonna pet you wet to death
Baby, be my sodomesticated animal

To the pound for you
Because your training's started
Got a proven method
And the bitches like it

Hey kitty, kitty
You're smooth as silk
I want to hear you purr
You wanna licky and I got milk
Gonna shave of all your fur

I want you to be my pet
Gonna pet you wet to death
Baby, be my sodomesticated animal

I want you to be my pet
Gonna pet you wet to death
Baby, be my sodomesticated animal

I want you to be my pet
Gonna pet you wet to death
Baby, be my sodomesticated animal

More info about Sodomesticated animal lyrics

check here the lyrics for Sodomesticated animal, the 12th song of the 13 recorded for the album Sexorcism, with a total running time of 62:40, by Lordi. It was released on May 25, 2018 via AFM Records, and produced by Mikko Karmila.
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