Sodomesticated animal song lyrics
You look cold and hungry
And in need of stroking
I can catch trays with tasers
Take 'em home for pokin'
Hey kitty, kitty
You're smooth as silk
I want to hear you purr
You wanna licky and I got milk
Gonna shave of all your fur
I want you to be my pet
Gonna pet you wet to death
Baby, be my sodomesticated animal
To the pound for you
Because your training's started
Got a proven method
And the bitches like it
Hey kitty, kitty
You're smooth as silk
I want to hear you purr
You wanna licky and I got milk
Gonna shave of all your fur
I want you to be my pet
Gonna pet you wet to death
Baby, be my sodomesticated animal
I want you to be my pet
Gonna pet you wet to death
Baby, be my sodomesticated animal
I want you to be my pet
Gonna pet you wet to death
Baby, be my sodomesticated animal
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lyrics for Sodomesticated animal, the 12th song of the 13 recorded for the album Sexorcism, with a total running time of 62:40, by Lordi. It was released on May 25, 2018 via AFM Records, and produced by Mikko Karmila.