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Sexorcism lyrics by Lordi

Lordi Sexorcism lyrics
  • track 1 of 13, total running time 62:40
  • album Sexorcism
  • released in May 25, 2018
  • produced by Mikko Karmila
  • record label AFM Records
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Sexorcism song lyrics

Pretty girl, her head swirls
Hot as hell, she moans and hurls
Eye's turn white, keep her tight
She's red eagle open wide

There's a demon possessor
Blasting in her from within
I slip my fingers inside her
Lure the beast and make her come out

Father can you hear me cry
The screams are silenced by the other
Now my body is not mine
I'm trapped inside a horror story
Mommy can't you hear me shout
Someone else controlles my body
Why would someone save me now
Save me from the horror story

Sir I hate to say this but you're gonna need some

Ooh, that little godforsaken whore is on all fours
Begging for the priest to score
And who am I, to decline
And that's like that's so bright for sacrifies

There's a demon possessor
Blasting in her from within
I slip my fingers inside her
Lure the beast and make her come out

Father can you hear me cry
The screams are silenced by the other
Now my body is not mine
I'm trapped inside a horror story
Mommy can't you hear me shout
Someone else controlles my body
Why would someone save me now
Save me from the horror story

Sir I hate to say this but you're gonna need some

This bitch is mine to keep
Come priest now let her share her meat

I have selected you
To hand me in
Some meat you can't refuse
Swallow my sins

Sexorcism, I get to work all night to get her done
Sexorcism, now leave the room 'cause she about to come out

Father can you hear me cry
The screams are silenced by the other
Now my body is not mine
I'm trapped inside a horror story
Mommy can't you hear me shout
Someone else controlles my body
Why would someone save me now
Save me from the horror story

Sir I hate to say this but you're gonna need some

So come on priest
We make an awesome team
Our work is done
We should be gone
This bitch was lots of fun
Let's find another one

More info about Sexorcism lyrics

check here the lyrics for Sexorcism, the 1th song of the 13 recorded for the album Sexorcism, with a total running time of 62:40, by Lordi. It was released on May 25, 2018 via AFM Records, and produced by Mikko Karmila.
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