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The beast is yet to cum lyrics by Lordi

Lordi The beast is yet to cum lyrics
  • track 5 of 13, total running time 62:40
  • album Sexorcism
  • released in May 25, 2018
  • produced by Mikko Karmila
  • record label AFM Records
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The beast is yet to cum song lyrics

Beast inside - Stole his mind
Living in his body
Satisfied - By his side
She doesn't know what's coming

Parasite - feeds on his brain
Sodomite - having his way
She's in for a rude surprise
When the beast arrives

She will get used
The insidious thing wants loose
Round two
All her innocence will refuse
The devil will still have his fun
'Cause they're not done
The beast is yet to cum

The beast is yet to cum
The beast is yet to cum
The beast is yet to cum

She got torn - By his horn
Her insides ripped asunder
That's her fate - Satiate
Her girlie parts get thunder

Parasite - feeds on his brain
Sodomite - having his way
She's in for a rude surprise
When the beast arrives

She will get used
The insidious thing wants loose
Round two
All her innocence will refuse
The devil will still have his fun
'Cause they're not done
The beast is yet to cum

With understanding
Comes the part where she begs
Cause now she knows
With what she's trapped in the bed

She will get used
The insidious thing wants loose
Round two
All her innocence will refuse
The devil will still have his fun
'Cause they're not done
The beast is yet to cum

The beast is yet to cum
The beast is yet to cum
The beast is yet to cum
The beast, the beast, the beast

More info about The beast is yet to cum lyrics

check here the lyrics for The beast is yet to cum, the 5th song of the 13 recorded for the album Sexorcism, with a total running time of 62:40, by Lordi. It was released on May 25, 2018 via AFM Records, and produced by Mikko Karmila.
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