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Polterchrist lyrics by Lordi

Lordi Polterchrist lyrics
  • track 6 of 13, total running time 62:40
  • album Sexorcism
  • released in May 25, 2018
  • produced by Mikko Karmila
  • record label AFM Records
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Polterchrist song lyrics

Just on the edge of 16
Inside her something obscene
Speaking in tongues that are unknown

Her body in contortions
Her face out of proportion
An evil swallowing her soul

The demon has a name
The prophesies proclaim
She'll bring strife to us
There's no way to win this, we must

Tie her up - Lock her in
She'll tempt us all into sin
She is possessed by Polterchrist

Must hide her and bind her
Temper the bad inside her
She will become the Polterchrist

Her power can not be tamed
Her keepers driven insane
The gates of hell about to break

The demon has a name
The prophesies proclaim
She'll bring strife to us
There's no way to win this, we must

Tie her up - Lock her in
She'll tempt us all into sin
She is possessed by Polterchrist

Must hide her and bind her
Temper the bad inside her
She will become the Polterchrist

Objects are elevating, circling in the air
The bed is levitating, now we should beware
She's rising, she's rising

Tie her up - Lock her in
She'll tempt us all into sin
She is possessed by Polterchrist

Must hide her and bind her
Temper the bad inside her
She will become the Polterchrist

More info about Polterchrist lyrics

check here the lyrics for Polterchrist, the 6th song of the 13 recorded for the album Sexorcism, with a total running time of 62:40, by Lordi. It was released on May 25, 2018 via AFM Records, and produced by Mikko Karmila.
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