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Devil's Lullaby lyrics by Lordi

Lordi Devils Lullaby lyrics
  • track 15 of 17, total running time
  • album Babez For Breakfast
  • released in 2010
  • produced by
  • record label
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Devil's Lullaby song lyrics

Now go to sleep, count owls and sheep
You'll dive into deep, into the land of the creeps
Now let go of your soul, step inside the night
Won't be long, you sing along
The devil's lullaby

I watch over you, come take a ride (into the night)
The face of the moon smiles down on you
Been gone for too long, now welcome home (where you belong)
Recall the devil's lullaby

The night is your friend, the morning is the enemy
The darkness transcends the day, like brings misery
So stay away out of the sun
The shadows cannot breathe
Don't be afraid, you're in the dark
You're with your family

I watch over you, come take a ride (into the night)
The face of the moon smiles down on you
Been gone for too long, now welcome home (where you belong)
Recall the devil's lullaby


I watch over you, come take a ride (into the night)
The face of the moon smiles down on you
Been gone for too long, now welcome home (where you belong)
Recall the devil's lullaby

', the question arises...what's for dinner?'

More info about Devil's Lullaby lyrics

check here the lyrics for Devil's Lullaby, the 15th song of the 17 recorded for the album Babez For Breakfast, with a total running time of , by Lordi. It was released on via , and produced by .
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