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This Is Heavy Metal lyrics by Lordi

Lordi This Is Heavy Metal lyrics
  • track 3 of 17, total running time
  • album Babez For Breakfast
  • released in 2010
  • produced by
  • record label
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This Is Heavy Metal song lyrics

You think they are all dead,
But it's all in your head,
The zombies never left,
They're just a bit faded.

There's no way you can win,
They're on a mission to sin,
They're the rocking dead,
Shaking the jaded.

Ooh, you never got at the helm of mayhem!
Oh, I've heard the tons of bullshit you talk
Now let's see you walk

Now this is heavy metal!
No matter what you say!
Now this is heavy metal!
The only righteous way!

The horsemen they come, they sling their axes like guns
Apocalypse in neon and spandex!
The ones that you mock deliver audio shock
In the old-school hard rock vortex

Ooh, you never got at the helm of mayhem!
Oh, I've heard the tons of bullshit you talk
Now let's see you walk

Now this is heavy metal!
No matter what you say!
Now this is heavy metal!
The only righteous way!
Yeah yeah yeah! Ow!



Now this is heavy metal! (HEAVY METAL!)
No matter what you say! (HEAVY METAL!)
Now this is heavy metal! (HEAVY METAL!)
The only righteous way!

Now this is heavy metal!
No matter what you say!
Now this is heavy metal!
The only righteous way [x2]


More info about This Is Heavy Metal lyrics

check here the lyrics for This Is Heavy Metal, the 3th song of the 17 recorded for the album Babez For Breakfast, with a total running time of , by Lordi. It was released on via , and produced by .
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