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Midnite Lover lyrics by Lordi

Lordi Midnite Lover lyrics
  • track 9 of 17, total running time
  • album Babez For Breakfast
  • released in 2010
  • produced by
  • record label
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Midnite Lover song lyrics

I trust my gut real good,
He's in the neighbourhood,
I know that everyone has something they're hiding,
But now I'm on the trail,
Righteousness will prevail,
He won't be giving no romance this evening!

I met your darling,
In a darkened alleyway I met the fool,
I gave no warning
When solving little problems , I don't leave no proof

Oh, I know you're waiting for your midnite lover
But the midnite lover will never arrive
Oh, I know you're waiting for your midnite lover
But I met your lover and he didn't survive

I stalked him like a pro,
Left him nowhere to go
At first he cried and then he begged me for mercy
But when I'm in the zone,
I'm into crushing bone
I grabbed a lug wrench, swung like Paulie from Jersey

I met your darling,
In a darkened alleyway I met the fool,
I gave no warning
When solving little problems, I don't leave no proof

Oh, I know you're waiting for your midnite lover
But the midnite lover will never arrive
Oh, I know you're waiting for your midnite lover
But I met your lover and he didn't survive

Don't you know me?
Don't mind the blood.
I've set you free,
Because of us,
He won't come back,
You were his wife,
Give him a whack,
So we could have a life!

Oh, baby!

Oh, I know you're waiting for your midnite lover
But the midnite lover will never arrive
Oh, I know you're waiting for your midnite lover
But I met your lover and he didn't survive

More info about Midnite Lover lyrics

check here the lyrics for Midnite Lover, the 9th song of the 17 recorded for the album Babez For Breakfast, with a total running time of , by Lordi. It was released on via , and produced by .
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