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Granny's Gone Crazy lyrics by Lordi

Lordi Grannys Gone Crazy lyrics
  • track 14 of 17, total running time
  • album Babez For Breakfast
  • released in 2010
  • produced by
  • record label
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Granny's Gone Crazy song lyrics

[lyrics: Mooneyman]

I can't hear what people say,
How could I have lost my way?
Too much noise in my head,
My family wishes I was dead!

You can't tell me what to do,
But I don't know, do I know you?
I can't see anyone I know,
Now, what's going on?

Everything is so wrong, so everything's gotta go,
Tomorrow can wait, today I'm losing control,
By hook or by crook
I'll make things go by the book,
I'm taking back my life today!

Granny's gone crazy,
She's out tonight,
Granny's gone crazy,
Get out of the line!
Granny's gone crazy,
She's a fright,
Granny's out for blood!

Neon nights blind my sight
Keep me awake can't sleep at night
It's all porn on TV,
The whole world's gotten to obscene,
Little girls dressing up like whores,
Mothers too fat to fit out the door,
Grown men dressing up like girls,
This is not my world!

Everything is so wrong, so everything's gotta go,
Tomorrow can wait, today I'm losing control,
By hook or by crook
I'll make things go by the book,
I'm taking back my life today!

Granny's gone crazy,
She's out tonight,
Granny's gone crazy,
Get out of the line!
Granny's gone crazy,
She's a fright,
Granny's out for blood!

'- Daddy, is granny doing alright?'
'- Sure, honey, why do you even ask?'
'- I think she's acting really weird.'
'- Ha, ha, no honey, your granny is just fine...'

Granny's gone crazy,
She's out tonight,
Granny's gone crazy,
Get out of the line!
Granny's gone crazy,
She's a fright,
Granny's out for blood!

More info about Granny's Gone Crazy lyrics

check here the lyrics for Granny's Gone Crazy, the 14th song of the 17 recorded for the album Babez For Breakfast, with a total running time of , by Lordi. It was released on via , and produced by .
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