I Am Bigger Than You song lyrics
Entering my Hellywood Hills
The vulture's moving in for the kill
Faces of the prey turning white (Ah)
My maw was ready to bite
Put your hands up nobody moves
Kill and start the grove
Buhu Buhu I'm bigger than you!
Buhu Buhu yeah, you!
Buhu Buhu I do what I want to!
Buhu Buhu and I want to do you!
Hang yourself up high on the hooks
The more skin rips the better it looks
You're free to scream whatever you feel (Uh!)
I guess your under my heel
Put your hands up nobody moves
Kill and start the grove
I'm bigger than you!
All your clothes are torn and tattered
Broken fingers, teeth all shattered
When your body meets my ice drill
There are more holes I can fill
Now let's get busy
I want to do you!
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lyrics for I Am Bigger Than You, the 7th song of the 17 recorded for the album Babez For Breakfast, with a total running time of , by Lordi. It was released on via , and produced by .