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Give Your Life For Rock And Roll lyrics by Lordi

Lordi Give Your Life For Rock And Roll lyrics
  • track 10 of 17, total running time
  • album Babez For Breakfast
  • released in 2010
  • produced by
  • record label
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Give Your Life For Rock And Roll song lyrics

Beat the toms, Be the fox on the kit
The Queen of shock, With black tape on your tits
Pulling teeth
Got a bass, Make it scream
Tight blue jeans, Packed with TNT
They will just be an ember
Yet your flame's burning high
They will not be remembered
Yet your sound is alive
Give your life for Rock and Roll,
Your soul shall live on
Give your life for Rock and Roll,
You'll never be gone
Crank up your flying v, With the white polka dots
Tragedy, You're the diamond, red hot
Under the gun, You got Animalized
Wild and the young, With pride wearing stripes
They will just be an ember
Yet your flame's burning high
They will not be remembered
Yet your sound is alive
Give your life for Rock and Roll,
Your soul shall live on
Give your life for Rock and Roll,
You'll never be gone
You'll never be gone
Give your life for Rock and Roll,
Your soul shall live on
Give your life for Rock and Roll,
You'll never be gone [x2]

More info about Give Your Life For Rock And Roll lyrics

check here the lyrics for Give Your Life For Rock And Roll, the 10th song of the 17 recorded for the album Babez For Breakfast, with a total running time of , by Lordi. It was released on via , and produced by .
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