One little cloud so black and heavy
Raining only on you
The weight of the universe upon your shoulders
Permanent deja vu
Designated and solely chosen
You lug the misery
Of the world past, present and future
Unnoticed chivalry
And you feel it's coming down
And you kneel and you pray
Surreal but you still feel
It's coming down heavy and you're the levee
And you're about to break down
It's hard to be a saint in a world of sinners
Hard to show them your view
You keep wondering where's the credit
Where credit's due?
So you feel it's coming down
And you kneel and you pray
Surreal but you still feel
It's coming down heavy and you're the levee
And you're about to break
You feel it's coming down
And you're about to break
You feel it's coming down now
A feeling you can't shake
Yeah you feel it's coming down
And you kneel and you pray
So surreal but you still feel
It's coming down heavy and you're the levee
And you're about to break down
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lyrics for Coming down, the 8th song of the 11 recorded for the album Overdriver, with a total running time of 40:01, by The Hellacopters. It was released on January 31, 2025 via , and produced by .