Faraway looks song lyrics
The ringing in my ears
Tells me hide away
Pull at the thread of fears
Again and again
I'm so far away
It feels impossible
So far away
I got the faraway looks, faraway eyes
Faraway looks, faraway eyes
Faraway looks, faraway eyes tonight
There's no hiding
No prize to discover
You're just like your Father
Your Sister, your Mother
We're so far away
It feels impossible
So far away
You got the faraway looks, faraway eyes
Faraway looks, faraway eyes
Faraway looks, faraway eyes tonight
Now with the sound of the future
There's doom ringing in my ear
A fatal resistance
Oh, what a distance
A call that I can't hear
Faraway looks, faraway eyes
Faraway looks, faraway eyes
Faraway looks, faraway eyes
Faraway looks
Far away
It feels impossible
So far away
It feels impossible
So far away
It feels impossible
So far away
I got the faraway looks, faraway eyes
Faraway looks, faraway eyes
Faraway looks, faraway eyes tonight
Faraway looks, faraway eyes
Faraway looks, faraway eyes
Faraway looks, faraway eyes
Faraway looks, faraway eyes tonight
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lyrics for Faraway looks, the 7th song of the 11 recorded for the album Overdriver, with a total running time of 40:01, by The Hellacopters. It was released on January 31, 2025 via , and produced by .