Token apologies song lyrics
I know the silent treatment
I'm good with being a little ignored
I'm ok with a cold shoulder or two
I know I can be shown the door
But if you say it, say it like you mean it
No need to fall to your knees
A straight up sorry will do it
But I don't need
Don't need your token apologies
And I don't need the reasons
No I don't need the excuse
Got no time for explanations
There's nothing there to pursue
So if you say it, say it like you mean it
No need to fall to your knees
A straight up sorry will do it
But I don't need
Don't need your token apologies
Here's to human error
It's just what we do
To misinterpretations
And to see them through
Here's to human error
It's just what we do
To misinterpretations
And to see them through
I know the silent treatment
I'm good with being a little ignored
I'm ok with a cold shoulder or two
I know I can be shown the door
But if you say it, say it like you mean it
No need to fall to your knees
A straight up sorry will do it
But I don't need
Don't need your token apologies
Don't need your token apologies
Don't need your token apologies
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lyrics for Token apologies, the 1th song of the 11 recorded for the album Overdriver, with a total running time of 40:01, by The Hellacopters. It was released on January 31, 2025 via , and produced by .