Wrong face on song lyrics
Everybody has one
Two, three or four
Nobody has none
Most have even more
It takes some skill to place it
On your anxious mug
It'll get you into trouble
If it ain't snug
You've got the wrong face on
And it's on wrong
The wrong face on
And it's on wrong
You've got the wrong face on
Wrong face on
The wrong face on
And it's on wrong
There's an art to hiding
What lies behind
And when you make the switch
Everything has to align
It takes a lot of practise
It takes a lot of work
There are no shortcuts
To a perfect smirk
You've got the wrong face on
And it's on wrong
The wrong face on
And it's on wrong
You've got the wrong face on
Wrong face on
The wrong face on
And it's on wrong
Everybody has one
Two, three or four
Nobody has none
Most have even more
It takes some skill to place it
On your anxious mug
It'll get you into trouble
If it ain't snug
You've got the wrong face on
And it's on wrong
The wrong face on
And it's on wrong
You've got the wrong face on
Wrong face on
The wrong face on
And it's on wrong
Wrong, yeah
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lyrics for Wrong face on, the 4th song of the 11 recorded for the album Overdriver, with a total running time of 40:01, by The Hellacopters. It was released on January 31, 2025 via , and produced by .