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Doomday daydreams lyrics by The Hellacopters

The Hellacopters Doomday daydreams lyrics
  • track 6 of 11, total running time 40:01
  • album Overdriver
  • released in January 31, 2025
  • produced by
  • record label
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Time's a wheel you ride round
Sometimes up, mostly down
The looping path you always seem to follow

Something stirs in the void
Everyone hears the noise
In hyperboles you obsess and wallow

So you think you can save me
But I don't need your kind
Stuck in your doomsday daydream
You think that you can save me
But you can't change my mind

Twist the words once again
Rearrange any sense
Funhouse mirrors in the dream

Wear your mask like a joke
Preach your tome, sport your cloak
A new religion made for one extreme

So you think you can save me
But I don't need your kind
Stuck in your doomsday daydream
Yeah you think that you are able to save me
You can't change my mind

Yeah you think you can save me
But I don't need your kind
Stuck in your doomsday daydream
Stuck in your own damn mind

Well it's enough to make me scream
Push my palms in my eyes
Stuck in your doomsday daydream
You think that you can save me
But you can't change my mind

More info about Doomday daydreams lyrics

check here the lyrics for Doomday daydreams, the 6th song of the 11 recorded for the album Overdriver, with a total running time of 40:01, by The Hellacopters. It was released on January 31, 2025 via , and produced by .
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