Slow don't kill me slow song lyrics
Slow, don't take it slow
When you put on that hands
That black velvet cap
Well this is that
Long due occasion
You can wear it as
Don't send this invite back
Slow, don't kill me slow
Don't kill me slow
No, never never
No don't kill me slow
No, never never
Kill me quick
Kill me quicker
If you can
I can not take it slow
Don't kill me slow
When you showed your executioner's cap to me
You put it on for me
Said that I would see
You'd kill whatever
Sapped your love for me
So put it on for me
Put it on again oh
Slow, don't kill me slow
No, never never
No don't kill me slow
No, never never
Kill me quick
Kill me quicker
If you can
I can not take it slow
Don't kill me
Don't go back to high-res timelapses
And shift or pass me
Be least then snow into still life ripens
Stop motion, perishing
Feast of larvae explode
Blue dust shadow of mould
Slow, slow, slow, slow
Slow, slow, slow, slow
Slow, slow, slow, slow
Slow, slow, slow, slow
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lyrics for Slow don't kill me slow, the 10th song of the 10 recorded for the album Always ascending, with a total running time of 39:48, by Franz Ferdinand. It was released on February 9, 2017 via Domino, and produced by Philippe Zdar.