I feel it (I feel it)
I'm fine (So fine)
I feel it in the spring sunshine (Sunshine)
So fine (So fine)
I feel it in the spring time shine
Then hold
Suddenly I
Finally I found my people
Found the people who were meant to be found by me
Finally, finally, finally I'm here
In my place, so I'm here
God, how it feels good to feel
God, how it feels good to be with the people I...
I feel it (I feel it)
I'm fine (So fine)
I feel it in the spring sunshine (Sunshine)
So fine (So fine)
I feel it in the spring time shine
Then hold
Suddenly I
Finally I found my people
Found the people who were meant to be found by me
Finally, finally, finally I'm here
In my place, so I'm here
God, how it feels good to feel
God, how it feels good to be with the people I need
Finally I found my
Finally I found my
Finally I found my
Finally I found my
Finally I found my people
Found the people who were meant to be found by me
Finally, finally, finally I'm here
In my place, so I'm here
God, how it feels good to feel
God, how it feels good to be with the people I need
More info about Finally lyrics
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lyrics for Finally, the 4th song of the 10 recorded for the album Always ascending, with a total running time of 39:48, by Franz Ferdinand. It was released on February 9, 2017 via Domino, and produced by Philippe Zdar.