Glimpse of love song lyrics
Won't someone
Bring me just a glimpse of love
Love love
Love is going to come as a photographer
I need love
Someone better bring me a photographer
A flash
A glimpse of perfect abs
In flimsy floral dress
Shows off her slender frame
Enjoys a private stroll
Love love
Off duty beauty
Keeping it real
Shows off
All her features
Grabs a bite to eat
Stepping out
Sports a bruise on her neck
As she's heading to
To the studio
No, she's never been shy
No she's never, never
Never been shy
Love love
Body observation snap
Body transformation trap
Bring it on bring it on
Let's makeover
Body transformation trap
Body observation snap
Cut - makeover scene
Won't someone
Bring me just a glimpse of love
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lyrics for Glimpse of love, the 8th song of the 10 recorded for the album Always ascending, with a total running time of 39:48, by Franz Ferdinand. It was released on February 9, 2017 via Domino, and produced by Philippe Zdar.