Lois Lane seems a pretty strong woman
The kind woman that a girl could be
So you've got an HND in journalism?
Because journalism could change the world
And if you change the world
Then you could be happy
Yeah, you could be happy
You make good choices
To change our world
So you could be happy
Motivation of altruism, the selfishness
The desire for the pleasure of the reward
Of the fine young cynic
You cried
Would you rather not have a go
And change the world
Come on, come
Yeah, you could be happy
Come on, come on, come on
Yeah you could be happy
You make good choices
To change our world
So you could be happy
Oh he changed you
I mean I did not like him
No, I never liked him
Which made me not like you
Not like I used to do
No, we were never, no we were never
We were never friends
So you could be happy
So you could be happy
You make good choices
That change our world
So you could be happy
You make good choices
To change our world
So you could be happy
At the over thirties singles night
The over thirties singles night
It's bleak, it's bleak, it's bleak
It's bleak, it's bleak, it's bleak
It's bleak, it's bleak, it's bleak
At the over thirties singles night
The over thirties singles night
It's bleak, it's bleak, it's bleak
It's bleak, it's bleak
See you next week
More info about Lois lane lyrics
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lyrics for Lois lane, the 6th song of the 10 recorded for the album Always ascending, with a total running time of 39:48, by Franz Ferdinand. It was released on February 9, 2017 via Domino, and produced by Philippe Zdar.