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The academy award lyrics by Franz Ferdinand

Franz Ferdinand The academy award lyrics
  • track 5 of 10, total running time 39:48
  • album Always ascending
  • released in February 9, 2017
  • produced by Philippe Zdar
  • record label Domino
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Always ascending tracklist

released 2018 via Domino

1. Always ascending
2. Lazy boy
3. Paper cages
4. Finally
5. The academy award lyrics
6. Lois lane
7. Huck and jim
8. Glimpse of love
9. Feel the love go
10. Slow don't kill me slow
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Show me the body
These pictures will shock you
Love is a drug we don't need anymore
We don't need to score
Show me the body
Gateway not found
My wife is such a fan
Show me the body
Show me the body now

We're starring in the movies of our lives
We're starring in the movies of our lives

And the Academy Award for good times goes to you
Yeah, the Academy Award for good times goes to you
There's a camera held in every hand
The glamour of applause in every mind
But the Academy Award for good times goes to you

Show me the body, Hikikomori
Through liquid crystal we look at the world
From our parents' homes
Show me the body
The secret of longevity is to stay away from them
Show me the body
Show me the body now

We're starring in the movies of our lives
We're starring in the movies of our lives

And the Academy Award for good times goes to you
Yeah, the Academy Award for good times goes to you
There's a camera held in every hand
The glamour of applause in every mind
But the Academy Award for good times goes to you

Show me the body
You never realize how much their pants size
Till you see them on the ground
They cover so much ground
Locked up predator
Hunted gatherer
Once rare commodity now easily found
Salt, sugar and fat
There's heavy traffic
Show me the body now

We're starring in the movies of our lives
We're starring in the movies of our lives

And the Academy Award for good times goes to you
Yeah, the Academy Award for good times goes to you
There's a camera held in every hand
The glamour of applause in every mind
But the Academy Award for good times goes to you

More info about The academy award lyrics

check here the lyrics for The academy award, the 5th song of the 10 recorded for the album Always ascending, with a total running time of 39:48, by Franz Ferdinand. It was released on February 9, 2017 via Domino, and produced by Philippe Zdar.
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