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Cutterfly lyrics by Lordi

Lordi Cutterfly lyrics
  • track 12 of 15, total running time 56:05
  • album Killection
  • released in January 31, 2020
  • produced by
  • record label AFM
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Cutterfly song lyrics

I work with precision
Above all suspicion
The mark of my fame is my cutting display
After having my way with my prey
The monarchs are carved
With a straight razor blade
And they gave me my name
It's in the nature of fire
To burn everything to the ground
But I won't be found
No I won't ever retire
Too many deserving to die
They can't brush aside cutterfly
Two decades
Still waiting
Will nail me
The mark of my fame is my cutting display
After having my way with my prey
The monarchs are carved
With a straight razor blade
And they gave me my name
It's in the nature of fire
To burn everything to the ground
But I won't be found
No I won't ever retire
Too many deserving to die
They can't brush aside cutterfly
It's in the nature of fire
To burn everything to the ground
But I won't be found
No I won't ever retire
Too many deserving to die
They can't brush aside cutterfly
It's in the nature of fire
To burn everything to the ground
But I won't be found
No I won't ever retire
Too many deserving to die
They can't brush aside cutterfly

More info about Cutterfly lyrics

check here the lyrics for Cutterfly, the 12th song of the 15 recorded for the album Killection, with a total running time of 56:05, by Lordi. It was released on January 31, 2020 via AFM, and produced by .
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