You rub me in a way that makes me lose my mind
Yeah, yeah
Better not hesitate?because?there's juice in?the line
I'm overcharged by everything that?you do
But you're too hard to refuse
You blow my fuse
Take it out, plug it in, your socket fits like a glove
Yeah, yeah
You deny you're too tight, I know you need a good shove
Ooh that's right
I'm overcharged by everything that you do
But you're too hard to refuse
You blow my fuse
You blow my fuse
You blow my fuse
You blow my fuse
Yeah, yeah
You blow my fuse
Yeah, yeah
You blow my fuse
Yeah, yeah
You blow my fuse
Yeah, yeah
You blow my fuse
More info about Blow my fuse lyrics
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lyrics for Blow my fuse, the 7th song of the 15 recorded for the album Killection, with a total running time of 56:05, by Lordi. It was released on January 31, 2020 via AFM, and produced by .