Up to no good song lyrics
Up to no good a vice machine
Up to no good is all I wanna be
Fire it up
Hey dad, get off my back
I live my life like you wish you've had
Shut up mom, outta my way
I live for vice and you don't have no say
I don't need lessons and I don't need school
Don't need no teachers telling me that I'm a fool
I gotta do what I am meant to do
Up to no good is what I am
Up to no good because I can
Up to no good a vice machine
Up to no good is all I wanna be
'Cause I'm up to no good
Sick and tired of condescending voices
Dictating all their rules
I have this fire, urge and desire
My choices, I have the right to choose
I don't need lessons and I don't need school
Don't need no teachers telling me that I'm a fool
I gotta do what I am meant to do
Up to no good is what I am
Up to no good because I can
Up to no good a vice machine
Up to no good is all I wanna be
Up to no good all the time
Up to nothing good tonite
Up to no good 'till the day I die
Up to no good is what I am
Up to no good because I can
Up to no good a vice machine
Up to no good is all I wanna be
Fire it up
Up to no good is what I am
Up to no good because I can
Up to no good a vice machine
Up to no good is all I wanna be
Up to no good is what I am
Up to no good because I can
Up to no good a vice machine
Up to no good is all I wanna be
'Cause I'm up to no good
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lyrics for Up to no good, the 10th song of the 15 recorded for the album Killection, with a total running time of 56:05, by Lordi. It was released on January 31, 2020 via AFM, and produced by .