Like a bee to the honey song lyrics
- Michael Monroe -
"It's been a week since my baby left me and I'm just sitting
Here all by?myself?wondering where she?could be
So if you're out there?listening, honey, check out this groove
And what I'm trying to say"
Girl, it feels like a year since you left me
Just a week's gone by
But every time that we say that it's over
We give it one more try
I wish that I could forget you (and let you go)
And go our separate ways
But everything I do keeps me coming back to you, girl
I'm just like a bee to the honey
Sweet like a treat I'm addicted to you
Baby, like a bee to the honey
Gotta dip into your fruit jar
Every night as I stand in the doorway
I wonder where you are
A voice inside of my head keeps repeating
You've pushed me much too far
If I could only forget you (and let you go)
And go our separate ways
But everything I do just keeps me coming back to you
I'm just like a bee to the honey
Sweet like a treat I'm addicted to you
Baby, like a bee to the honey
Gotta dip into your fruit jar
Baby, I'm just like a bee to the honey
Sweet like a treat I'm addicted to you
I'm missin' my baby (missin' my baby)
- Saxophone Solo: Michael Monroe -
I wish that I could forget you (and let you go)
And go our separate ways
But everything I do keeps me coming back to you, girl
- Michael Monroe -
"So if you're out there listening, honey, check out this groove
And what I'm trying to say"
I'm just like a bee to the honey
Sweet like a treat I'm addicted to you
Baby, like a bee to the honey
Gotta dip into your fruit jar
I'm just like a bee to the honey
Sweet like a treat I'm addicted to you
Baby, like a bee to the honey
Gotta dip into your fruit jar
I'm just like a bee to the honey
Sweet like a treat I'm addicted to you
Baby, like a bee to the honey
Gotta dip into your fruit jar
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lyrics for Like a bee to the honey, the 4th song of the 15 recorded for the album Killection, with a total running time of 56:05, by Lordi. It was released on January 31, 2020 via AFM, and produced by .