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Shake the baby silent lyrics by Lordi

Lordi Shake the baby silent lyrics
  • track 3 of 15, total running time 56:05
  • album Killection
  • released in January 31, 2020
  • produced by
  • record label AFM
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Shake the baby silent song lyrics

Yeah, I'm the shiver running down your spine
Car crash massacred lady
Beat the fucker up like in the olden times
I am the scorpion preying
Yeah, I'm the blackboard and fingernails
Canoe on the river to Hades

She's got fresh meat up for sale
I'll give your children rabies

Shake the baby
Shake the baby
Shake the baby silent

Shake the baby
Shake the baby
Shake the baby silent

Torturing chewing on tinfoil gum
Crowbar meets the jawbone
Killing a seal with my bloody club
Gremlin in the micro
Next door neighbor has been found
Ralph is rotting through the sofa

Roadkill, roadkill freshly ground
"Sir, you want some piss in your mocha?"

Shake the baby
Shake the baby
Shake the baby silent

Shake the baby
Shake the baby
Shake the baby silent

Shake the baby
Shake the baby
Shake the baby silent

Shake the baby
Shake the baby
Shake the baby silent

Shake the baby
Shake the baby
Shake the baby silent

Shake the baby
Shake the baby
Shake the baby silent

More info about Shake the baby silent lyrics

check here the lyrics for Shake the baby silent, the 3th song of the 15 recorded for the album Killection, with a total running time of 56:05, by Lordi. It was released on January 31, 2020 via AFM, and produced by .
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