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And the zombie says lyrics by Lordi

Lordi And the zombie says lyrics
  • track 12 of 14, total running time 64:19
  • album Monstereophonic
  • released in September 16, 2016
  • produced by Nino Laurenne
  • record label AFM Records
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And the zombie says song lyrics

The boy was strangely different from the others
He'd meet her in the woods
The werewolf girl and witches son were lovers,
A match that can not be good

Moonlight - wolf bite

The boy was getting ill, his heart was going still
The spell his mother cast - from death, she brought him back

Nothing's forever, nothing is ever meant to last
Trying hard as hell to get it back
Time has no meaning when love means more than life
And the zombie says...

Village kids avoid the woods, not Lizzy
That's why she's on a plate
Following the witches trail was easy, the mob will be on its way

Oven baked Lizzy steaks

Their differences aside, on Lizzy they now dine
They raise a glass of wine and toast eternal life

Nothing's forever, nothing is ever meant to last
Trying hard as hell to get it back
Time has no meaning when love means more than life

The Vampire took a bite and then he felt the burn:
"You hag, it's garlic spice you used to season her!"

"You hag! You poisoned that!
You really thought I could be offed?!
Let me get this straight... Could it really be
You're planning mutiny... In Demonarchy?"

Vampire stared them down, Witch proudly stood her ground
Werewolf let out a growl, Demonarchy unbound

And the zombie said...

Nothing's forever, nothing is ever meant to last
Trying hard as hell to get it back

Nothing's forever, nothing is ever meant to last
Trying hard as hell to get it back
Time has no meaning when love means more than life

love means more than life
love means more than life
love means more than life
love means more than life
love means more than life
love means more than life

And the zombie said...

More info about And the zombie says lyrics

check here the lyrics for And the zombie says, the 12th song of the 14 recorded for the album Monstereophonic, with a total running time of 64:19, by Lordi. It was released on September 16, 2016 via AFM Records, and produced by Nino Laurenne.
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