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The unholy gathering lyrics by Lordi

Lordi The unholy gathering lyrics
  • track 10 of 14, total running time 64:19
  • album Monstereophonic
  • released in September 16, 2016
  • produced by Nino Laurenne
  • record label AFM Records
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The unholy gathering song lyrics

A house deep in the woods
Covered in haze
Bats caught in spiderwebs
A witches place

A table made of bones
A banquette laid - Waiting

There are the four of them
One for each race
The ancient boogiemen
Stuck in their ways

Not one will compromise
No losing face - Standing

The great Demonarchy
The unholy gathering
The great Demonarchy
Their welcome is wearing thin
The ends closing in

Bloodsucker and the Witch
Have their disputes
The Wolf and the Undead
Have issues too
This dinner has been called
To hash it through - Barely

The great Demonarchy
The unholy gathering
The great Demonarchy
Their welcome is wearing thin
The ends closing in

"I'm the chairman of this board"
Said the vampire in a rage
"There will be order in this board
Or damnit there's hell to pay"

Submit, submit, submit, submit

The Wolf's biding her time
The Witch sharpens her knife

The great Demonarchy
The unholy gathering
The great Demonarchy
Their welcome is wearing thin
The ends closing in

There on the clearing's edge
Wanders a child
His sister Lizzy's lost
Out in the wild
He hopes that she's okay
He fears she's not
He's calling out her name
It's all for naught
"Lizzy, Lizzy, Lizzy..."
Lizzy, Lizzy..."

More info about The unholy gathering lyrics

check here the lyrics for The unholy gathering, the 10th song of the 14 recorded for the album Monstereophonic, with a total running time of 64:19, by Lordi. It was released on September 16, 2016 via AFM Records, and produced by Nino Laurenne.
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