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Let's go slaughter he-man lyrics by Lordi

Lordi Lets go slaughter he-man lyrics
  • track 2 of 14, total running time 64:19
  • album Monstereophonic
  • released in September 16, 2016
  • produced by Nino Laurenne
  • record label AFM Records
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Let's go slaughter he-man song lyrics

Skeletor is the coolest lead on evil's side
Never mind his voice, on his face I base my choice

Though he's ruling Snake Mountain
Castle Greyskull is the shit
He-Man should understand it's time to pack is bags

He-Man go away, but Teela, you should stay
I have the power
This is the time He-Man must die

Let's go slaughter He-Man
Kill the sissy and make it hurt
I wanna be the Beast-Man
In the Masters Of The Universe
Let's go slaughter He-Man
Kill the sissy and make it hurt
I wanna be the beast man
In the Masters Of The Universe, tonite

C'mon, He-Man's a loser
And whatta hell's with that hair
He-Man's head should be on a stake
in front of Greyskull's gate

On the day that it happens we will celebrate
We'd see tears of joy in the empty eye sockets
of the evil leader's face

He-Man go away, but Teela, you should stay
I have the power
This is the time He-Man must die

Let's go slaughter He-Man
Kill the sissy and make it hurt
I wanna be the Beast-Man
In the Masters Of The Universe
Let's go slaughter He-Man
Kill the sissy and make it hurt
I wanna be the beast man
In the Masters Of The Universe, tonite

Since wimpy He-Man is in pieces, torn
Who would have thought that we would be so bored

Let's go slaughter He-Man
Kill the sissy and make it hurt
I wanna be the Beast-Man
In the Masters Of The Universe
Let's go slaughter He-Man
Kill the sissy and make it hurt
I wanna be the beast man
In the Masters Of The Universe, tonite

More info about Let's go slaughter he-man lyrics

check here the lyrics for Let's go slaughter he-man, the 2th song of the 14 recorded for the album Monstereophonic, with a total running time of 64:19, by Lordi. It was released on September 16, 2016 via AFM Records, and produced by Nino Laurenne.
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