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Heaven sent hell on earth lyrics by Lordi

Lordi Heaven sent hell on earth lyrics
  • track 11 of 14, total running time 64:19
  • album Monstereophonic
  • released in September 16, 2016
  • produced by Nino Laurenne
  • record label AFM Records
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Heaven sent hell on earth song lyrics

The She-Wolf is in heat
Fancies the bloodsucking beast

"How can I make him notice me?
My desire for him's a cancer
I'm just a bitch out of his league
I'm a pathetic fool - romancer"

"Watch me now - I cut myself
I bleed for you, my prince from hell"

"You bring me to my knees
I'm screaming: baby please see me!"

Lonely together - Murder the heart
Why should living be so hard
Lonely together - Freaks of the dark
Heaven sent, heaven sent hell on earth

Beware the Witch's grudge
"I hate the sucker for what he's done"

"How can I make him notice me?
My son deserves eternal life
The spell I cast creates zombies
He could have saved him with one bite"

"Oh how I hate the prince from hell
My magic wanes, my son is not himself"

"He slowly rots away
He's screaming for he's craving brains"

Lonely together - Murder the heart
Why should living be so hard
Lonely together - Freaks of the dark
Heaven sent, heaven sent hell on earth

Tension! Conflict!

Sitting round the table
They stare each other down
The Zombie's snarling in the corner
The others make no sound

The stench of rotting Zombie
Assaults the canine's nose
The Werewolf breaks the silence
And says "the stink has to go!
And while we're on the subject...
In the time of full moon
He drives my senses crazy
Why can't you chain him in his room?"

The Witch stands up and screams "Hey bitch!
It's not my dear boy's fault, so deal with it"

"Silence!" shouts the Nosferatu
Blazing in his, blazing in his eyes
"We've problems dire compared to this
Stupid whores, no time to bitch
The town folks ire has raised in pitch
Some miscreant's abducting kids"

"I've lived for centuries
Their petty schemes, vexing indeed"

Lonely together - Murder the heart
Heaven sent, heaven sent hell on earth
Lonely together - Freaks of the dark
Heaven sent, heaven sent hell on earth

More info about Heaven sent hell on earth lyrics

check here the lyrics for Heaven sent hell on earth, the 11th song of the 14 recorded for the album Monstereophonic, with a total running time of 64:19, by Lordi. It was released on September 16, 2016 via AFM Records, and produced by Nino Laurenne.
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