Baby, you look like an actress, do you act?
Lady, I'm throwing a party at my pad
Maybe you're willing to do what you have to
Baby, it looks like you'd
Do it all and even more
Anything at all, anything
Everything, everything
Baby I'm casting a sick flick
A part in sick flick ain't that hard
You got the looks for a sick flick
And in my sick flick you're the star
Baby, I wanna know what's behind those eyes
Lady, what color are you deep down inside
Maybe I'll find out when I jackhammer you
Baby, are you willing to
Do it all and even more
Anything at all, anything
Everything, everything
Baby I'm casting a sick flick
A part in sick flick ain't that hard
You got the looks for a sick flick
And in my sick flick you're the star
Baby I'm casting a sick flick
A part in sick flick ain't that hard
You got the looks for a sick flick
And in my sick flick you're the star
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lyrics for Sick flick, the 6th song of the 14 recorded for the album Monstereophonic, with a total running time of 64:19, by Lordi. It was released on September 16, 2016 via AFM Records, and produced by Nino Laurenne.