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From Hank To Hendrix lyrics by Neil Young

Neil Young From Hank To Hendrix lyrics
  • track 14 of 14, total running time
  • album Unplugged
  • released in 1993
  • produced by
  • record label
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From Hank To Hendrix song lyrics

From Hank to Hendrix
I walked these streets with you
Here I am with this old guitar
Doin' what I do.

I always expected
That you should see me through
I never believed in much
But I believed in you.

Can we get it together
Can we still stand side by side
Can we make it last
Like a musical ride?

From Marilyn to Madonna
I always loved your smile
Now we're headed
for the big divorce

I found myself singin'
Like a long-lost friend
The same thing that makes you live
Can kill you in the end.

Can we get it together
Can we still stand side by side
Can we make it last
Like a musical ride?

Sometime it's distorted
Not clear to you
Sometimes the beauty of love
Just comes ringin' through.

New glass in the window
New leaf on the tree
New distance between us
You and me.

Can we get it together
Can we still walk side by side
Can we make it last
Like a musical ride?

More info about From Hank To Hendrix lyrics

check here the lyrics for From Hank To Hendrix, the 14th song of the 14 recorded for the album Unplugged, with a total running time of , by Neil Young. It was released on via , and produced by .
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