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Look Out For My Love lyrics by Neil Young

Neil Young Look Out For My Love lyrics
  • track 12 of 14, total running time
  • album Unplugged
  • released in 1993
  • produced by
  • record label
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Look Out For My Love song lyrics

There's a lot to learn
For wastin' time
There's a heart that burns
There's an open mind.

Look out for my love, look out for my love
Look out for my love, look out for my love
You own it
You own it now
You own it.

There's a weight on you
But you can't feel it
Livin' like I do
It's hard for you to see it.

Was I hurt too bad
Can I show you daylight
How could I be sad
When I know that you might.

Look out for my love, look out for my love
Look out for my love, look out for my love.

Look out for my love
It's in your neighborhood
I know things are gonna change
But I can't say bad or good.

Silver wings of mornin'
Shinin' in the gray day
While the ice is formin'
On a lonely runway.

Hydraulic wipers pumpin'
'til the window glistens
Somethin' sayin' somethin'
No one seems to listen.

Men with walkie-talkies
Men with flashlights wavin'
Up upon the tower
Time reads daylight savings.

I'm home again to you babe
You know it makes me wonder
Sittin' in the quiet slipstream
In the thunder.

Look out for my love, look out for my love
Look out for my love, look out for my love.

More info about Look Out For My Love lyrics

check here the lyrics for Look Out For My Love, the 12th song of the 14 recorded for the album Unplugged, with a total running time of , by Neil Young. It was released on via , and produced by .
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