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Unknown Legend lyrics by Neil Young

Neil Young Unknown Legend lyrics
  • track 11 of 14, total running time
  • album Unplugged
  • released in 1993
  • produced by
  • record label
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Unknown Legend song lyrics

She used to work in a diner
Never saw a woman look finer
I used to order just to watch
her float across the floor
She grew up in a small town
Never put her roots down
Daddy always kept movin',
so she did too.

Somewhere on a desert highway
She rides a Harley-Davidson
Her long blonde hair
flyin' in the wind
She's been runnin' half her life
The chrome and steel she rides
Collidin' with
the very air she breathes
The air she breathes.

You know it ain't easy
You got to hold on
She was an unknown legend
in her time
Now she's dressin' two kids
Lookin' for a magic kiss
She gets the far-away look
in her eyes.

Somewhere on a desert highway
She rides a Harley-Davidson
Her long blonde hair
flyin' in the wind
She's been runnin' half her life
The chrome and steel she rides
Collidin' with the very
air she breathes
The air she breathes.

More info about Unknown Legend lyrics

check here the lyrics for Unknown Legend, the 11th song of the 14 recorded for the album Unplugged, with a total running time of , by Neil Young. It was released on via , and produced by .
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