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Long May You Run lyrics by Neil Young

Neil Young Long May You Run lyrics
  • track 13 of 14, total running time
  • album Unplugged
  • released in 1993
  • produced by
  • record label
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Long May You Run song lyrics

We've been through some things together
With trunks of memories still to come
We found things to do in stormy weather
Long may you run.

Long may you run.
Long may you run.
Although these changes have come
With your chrome heart shining in the sun
Long may you run.

Well, it was back in blind river in 1962
When I last saw you alive
But we missed that shift on the long decline
Long may you run.

Long may you run.
Long may you run.
Although these changes have come
With your chrome heart shining in the sun
Long may you run.

Maybe the beach boys have got you now
With those waves singing caroline no
Rollin' down that empty ocean road
Gettin' to the surf on time.

Long may you run.
Long may you run.
Although these changes have come
With your chrome heart shining in the sun
Long may you run.

More info about Long May You Run lyrics

check here the lyrics for Long May You Run, the 13th song of the 14 recorded for the album Unplugged, with a total running time of , by Neil Young. It was released on via , and produced by .
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