World On A String song lyrics
You know I lose,
you know I win
You know I call for
the shape I'm in.
It's just a game you
see me play,
Only real in the way
That I feel
from day to day.
Although the answer
is not unknown,
I'm searchin', searchin',
and how I've grown.
It's not all right
to say goodbye,
And the world on a string
Doesn't mean a thing.
No, the world on a string
Doesn't mean a thing.
It's only real in the way
That I feel from day to day.
No, the world on a string
Doesn't mean a thing.
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lyrics for World On A String, the 3th song of the 14 recorded for the album Unplugged, with a total running time of , by Neil Young. It was released on via , and produced by .