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Candy for the cannibal lyrics by Lordi

Lordi Candy for the cannibal lyrics
  • track 9 of 11, total running time
  • album To beast or not to beast
  • released in 2013
  • produced by
  • record label
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Candy for the cannibal song lyrics

The town went silent as I walked out today
My family didn't have a thing to say
I see the neighbors are avoiding my looks
they know my story as it's all in the books, yeah

But I am happier then ever before
Cause I'm grown man candy story
I know this feeling might not last for long
I know my urge and it's way too strong

I know I should not do my thing, no, no
But you look so damn mouth watering

You're the ca-ca-candy for the ca-cannibal
Won't you co-co-come on trust the a-animal
You're my t-t-tasty little t-t-t-treat
Sweetie candy
You're the ca-ca-candy for the ca-cannibal
You'll go d-d-down cause you're so e-edible
I'll be t-t-tenderizing you m-m-meat
Meaty candy to me

(I just love that meaty candy)

I keep my distance when observing the girls
They make me feel like I'm alone in this world
Some call it stalking I say shopping's the word
And when I'm shopping girls are bound to get hurt

I am simply a man but they call me the Beast
Oh why can't they understand a man's just gotta eat

Death row went silent as I walked in today
The warden did not have a thing to say
I watch the prisoners avoiding my looks
I'm going shopping for the last meal I cook

More info about Candy for the cannibal lyrics

check here the lyrics for Candy for the cannibal, the 9th song of the 11 recorded for the album To beast or not to beast, with a total running time of , by Lordi. It was released on via , and produced by .
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