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Schizo doll lyrics by Lordi

Lordi Schizo doll lyrics
  • track 8 of 11, total running time
  • album To beast or not to beast
  • released in 2013
  • produced by
  • record label
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Schizo doll song lyrics

I am just a little doll- I live here in your yard
You daughter used to play with me- now your dogs chew up my arms
Sometimes I feel fucked up in the head
That´s when I want to see all children dead

There was a day that had a silver lining- I remember the light that I saw
They took me off the conveyer belt- and put me in a box on a shelf

Then came the day my little cardboard home and I
Were on you way in your car
Your daughther didn´t know how to pretend
And forever we were gonna be friends

For years I was the one to hold- to love and care for
Then I was left out in the cold
Forgotten to become the rotten

Shizo doll- I can't ever die
Shizo doll- 'cause I was never alive
Shizo doll- got no flesh, got no bones
Shizo doll- I have a mind of my own
Shizo doll, Shizo doll- left all alone

Now comes a day that has a cool black lining
80 years gone by, the daughters gone grey
But she found me, took me in from the rain
She was hugging me as she slepped away

"Ashes to ashes"- the preacher prays
I'm wrapped in her arms now
Forever friends here in her grave
forgotten to become the rotten

I am just a little doll- my best friend is a corpse
The worms are eating up her face
Our casket home walls warp
That bitch left me to rot alone again

More info about Schizo doll lyrics

check here the lyrics for Schizo doll, the 8th song of the 11 recorded for the album To beast or not to beast, with a total running time of , by Lordi. It was released on via , and produced by .
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