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We're not bad for the kids (we're worse) lyrics by Lordi

Lordi Were not bad for the kids (were worse) lyrics
  • track 1 of 11, total running time
  • album To beast or not to beast
  • released in 2013
  • produced by
  • record label
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We're not bad for the kids (we're worse) song lyrics

Screaming- out their bloody lungs
Riuning their beautiful young voices
Steaming hot- horny licking tongues
Making all those terribly wrong choices

All you little children have gone out of your minds
Don't wanna read no history- let's practise some biology

Make you mommy cry- Daddy blows his mind
Listen up and learn- We're not bad for the kids, we're worse
Make 'em take offense- Taint your innocence
The first time always hurts- We're not bad for the kids, we're worse

Wasted- fried their little brains
Staying out too late and getting crazy
Waintin'- 'til it's far too late
Corrupted to the core and not worth saving

Hey kids, you know that your parent are right
You should not ne nasty, no picking a fight
Don't dress up like that, yeah, you dad he knows better
As if he never wanted to see your mom in tight leather

More info about We're not bad for the kids (we're worse) lyrics

check here the lyrics for We're not bad for the kids (we're worse), the 1th song of the 11 recorded for the album To beast or not to beast, with a total running time of , by Lordi. It was released on via , and produced by .
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