Don't tell me how to live- Yeah!
I know how I should be- Yeah!
Oh Yeah- Patronizing the man- Yeah!
I know who and what I am
I'm the best- I'm the best- I'm the best
The best at what I do
I'm the best- I'm the best- I'm the best
I'm the best- I'm the best- I'm the best
A million times better than you
I'm the best- I'm the best- I'm the best
Who do you think you are- Yeah!
You're still here but I've gone far- Yeah!
Oh Yeah!- could it be that you see- Yeah!
that you're so goddamn envious of me
I'm the best- I'm the best- I'm the best
The best at beeing me
I'm the best- I'm the best- I'm the best
I'm the best- I'm the best- I'm the best
More than you could ever be
I'm the best- I'm the best- I'm the best
Why keep fighting the stone cold facts and still deny?
Sfight for what they're told to,
Some fight to get wings that make 'em fly
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lyrics for I'm the best, the 5th song of the 11 recorded for the album To beast or not to beast, with a total running time of , by Lordi. It was released on via , and produced by .