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Shots lyrics by Neil Young

Neil Young Shots lyrics
  • track 8 of 8, total running time
  • album Re-ac-tor
  • released in 1981
  • produced by
  • record label
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Re-ac-tor tracklist

released 1981 via

1. Op-er-a Star
2. Surf-er Joe And Moe The Sleaze
3. T-bone
4. Get Back On It
5. South-ern Pac-i-fic
6. Mo-tor Cit-y
7. Rap-id Tran-sit
8. Shots lyrics
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Ringing all along the borders can be heard
Striking out like a venom in the sky
Cutting through the air faster than a bird
In the night.

Are lost in the sand, building roads with little hands
Trying to join their father's castles together again
Will they make it? who knows where or when
Old wounds will mend?

Are winding their way along, looking strong
Building roads and bringing back loads and loads
Of building materials
In the night

Are trying to move the borders on the ground
Lines between the different spots that each has found
But back home another scene was going down
In the night.

Comes creepin' through the night to feed on hearts
Of suburban wives who learned to pretend
When they met their dream's end
In the night.

I hear shots, I keep hearing shots
I keep hearing shots
I hear shots.

I hear shots, I keep hearing shots
I keep hearing shots
I hear shots.

But I'll never use your love,
You know I'm not that kind
And so if you give your heart away
I promise to you
Whatever we do
That I will always be true.

More info about Shots lyrics

check here the lyrics for Shots, the 8th song of the 8 recorded for the album Re-ac-tor, with a total running time of , by Neil Young. It was released on via , and produced by .
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