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Surf-er Joe And Moe The Sleaze lyrics by Neil Young

Neil Young Surf-er Joe And Moe The Sleaze lyrics
  • track 2 of 8, total running time
  • album Re-ac-tor
  • released in 1981
  • produced by
  • record label
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Re-ac-tor tracklist

released 1981 via

1. Op-er-a Star
2. Surf-er Joe And Moe The Sleaze lyrics
3. T-bone
4. Get Back On It
5. South-ern Pac-i-fic
6. Mo-tor Cit-y
7. Rap-id Tran-sit
8. Shots
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Surf-er Joe And Moe The Sleaze song lyrics

Here's a story about Surfer Joe
He caught the big one,
but he let it go
There's somebody satisfied
with winning.

Back on the boardwalk
there's Moe the Sleaze
Sells good things
and aims to please
He's almost even but
he doesn't mind a handout.

Come on down
for a pleasure cruise
We're all going
on a pleasure cruise
Come on down
for a pleasure cruise
Plenty of women,
plenty of booze.

Give your ticket
to Moe the Sleaze
He's the one that's
weak in the knees
His pants are baggy,
but you can see them shaking.

I'll introduce you to Surfer Joe
He may be there,
I really don't know
We can smoke garfong
and watch him ride
the big one.

Come on down
for a pleasure cruise
We're all going
on a pleasure cruise
Come on down
for a pleasure cruise
Plenty of women,
plenty of booze.

Come on down, come on down
Come on down, come on.

Here's a story about Surfer Joe
He caught the big one,
and he let it go
There's somebody satisfied
with winning.

Here's a story about Surfer Joe
He caught the big one,
and he let it go
He's somebody satisfied
with winning.
He's somebody.

More info about Surf-er Joe And Moe The Sleaze lyrics

check here the lyrics for Surf-er Joe And Moe The Sleaze, the 2th song of the 8 recorded for the album Re-ac-tor, with a total running time of , by Neil Young. It was released on via , and produced by .
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