Rap-id Tran-sit song lyrics
Rapid transit.
Public service.
I'm standing in my line.
Melt down.
I'm standing in my line
Hang ten pipeline, let's go trippin'
Hang ten pipeline, let's go trippin'
Hang ten pipeline, let's go trippin'
Every wave is new until it breaks.
Secret service
Public enemy
I'm standing in my line
Hang ten pipeline, let's go trippin'
Hang ten pipeline, let's go trippin'
Hang ten pipeline, no way rockin'
Every wave is new until it breaks.
More info about Rap-id Tran-sit lyrics
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lyrics for Rap-id Tran-sit, the 7th song of the 8 recorded for the album Re-ac-tor, with a total running time of , by Neil Young. It was released on via , and produced by .