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Mo-tor Cit-y lyrics by Neil Young

Neil Young Mo-tor Cit-y lyrics
  • track 6 of 8, total running time
  • album Re-ac-tor
  • released in 1981
  • produced by
  • record label
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Re-ac-tor tracklist

released 1981 via

1. Op-er-a Star
2. Surf-er Joe And Moe The Sleaze
3. T-bone
4. Get Back On It
5. South-ern Pac-i-fic
6. Mo-tor Cit-y lyrics
7. Rap-id Tran-sit
8. Shots
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My old car keeps breaking down
My new car ain't from japan
There's already too many datsuns
In this town.

Another thing that's bugging me
Is this commercial on tv
Says that detroit can't make good cars any more.
Motor city.

Who's driving my car?
Who's driving my car now?

My army jeep is still alive
Got locking hubs and four wheel drive
Ain't got no radio, ain't got no mag wheels
Ain't got no digital clock
Ain't got no clock.

The paint job is lookin' blue
The white walls are missing too
But I guess until I get my car back
This will do.

Who's driving my car now?
Who's driving my car now?

Who's driving my car now?

More info about Mo-tor Cit-y lyrics

check here the lyrics for Mo-tor Cit-y, the 6th song of the 8 recorded for the album Re-ac-tor, with a total running time of , by Neil Young. It was released on via , and produced by .
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