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Trans am lyrics by Neil Young

Neil Young Trans am lyrics
  • track 10 of 12, total running time
  • album Sleeps with angels
  • released in 1994
  • produced by
  • record label
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Sleeps with angels tracklist

released 1994 via

1. My heart
2. Prime of love
3. Driveby
4. Sleeps with angels
5. Western hero
6. Change your mind
7. Blue eden
8. Safeway cart
9. Train of love
10. Trans am lyrics
11. Piece of crap
12. A dream that can last
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Trans Am

The wagons in the valley
had pulled up for the night
Seth said
"go get the plow out Merle,
this place looks just right"
By then they were surrounded,
by dawn they all were dead
I heard this from
the old Trans Am,
up the road ahead
That cowboy just kept talking,
I thought I heard him say
He used to ride the Santa Fe
before the tracks were laid

Trans Am

A nasty wind was blowing
through the gates of Eden Park
One was swinging
and one was hanging,
and the street lights all were dark
It crawled along the boulevard
with two wheels on the grass
That old Trans Am was dying hard,
but still had lots of gas
The golden gate was open wide,
the sun came shining through
Where once
the angels stood and cried
everything was new

Trans Am

Global manufacturing,
hands across the sea
The hotel filled with dealers,
everything was free
Before the competition,
ahead of all the rest
The product was presented,
it clearly was the best
The power link was ruptured,
the hotel shook and rolled
The old Trans Am
just bounced around
and took another road

Trans Am

An old friend showed up at the door
The mile posts flying by
He said come on, I said what for
He said I'll show you why
I got a call from north of here
They said some girl's broke down
There's good money in it
for you and me
If we can get her back to town
She's somewhere north of Barstow
Lost on 66
An old Trans Am
by the side of the road
That needs a headlight fixed

Trans Am

More info about Trans am lyrics

check here the lyrics for Trans am, the 10th song of the 12 recorded for the album Sleeps with angels, with a total running time of , by Neil Young. It was released on via , and produced by .
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