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Western hero lyrics by Neil Young

Neil Young Western hero lyrics
  • track 5 of 12, total running time
  • album Sleeps with angels
  • released in 1994
  • produced by
  • record label
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Sleeps with angels tracklist

released 1994 via

1. My heart
2. Prime of love
3. Driveby
4. Sleeps with angels
5. Western hero lyrics
6. Change your mind
7. Blue eden
8. Safeway cart
9. Train of love
10. Trans am
11. Piece of crap
12. A dream that can last
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Frontier town,
home of the western hero
Frontier justice,
dealt with the iron hand

He wore a long coat to the ground
He wore big boots that made a sound
He wore a six gun on his hip
But now he doesn't carry it

Sure enough,
he was a western hero
On the deck,
sighting an old Jap zero

And on the shores at Normandy
He fought for you,
he fought for me
Across the land and on the sea
But now he's just a memory

And in the distance,
the rocket's red glare
The bombs burst in the air
This time
we're never going back

Through the years
he changed somehow
He's different now
He's different now

Open fire,
here comes the western hero
Standing there,
big money in his hand
Sure enough,
he was a western hero,
Sure enough

More info about Western hero lyrics

check here the lyrics for Western hero, the 5th song of the 12 recorded for the album Sleeps with angels, with a total running time of , by Neil Young. It was released on via , and produced by .
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