Like a Safeway cart
rolling down the street
Like a sandal mark
on the Savior's feet
Just keep rolling on
it's a ghetto dawn
Baby looks so bad
with her TV eyes
Going, going, gone
and the picture cries
It's a ghetto dawn
Baby looks so bad
with her TV eyes
Going, going, gone
and the picture cries
Baby looks so bad
with her TV eyes
Like a Safeway cart
rolling down the street
Past the Handy mart
to the Savior's feet
Going, going, gone
and the picture cries
Baby looks so sad
Baby looks so bad
It's a ghetto dawn
Like a Safeway cart
rolling down the street
Like a sandal mark
on the Savior's feet
Just keep rolling on
to a ghetto dawn
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lyrics for Safeway cart, the 8th song of the 12 recorded for the album Sleeps with angels, with a total running time of , by Neil Young. It was released on via , and produced by .