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Change your mind lyrics by Neil Young

Neil Young Change your mind lyrics
  • track 6 of 12, total running time
  • album Sleeps with angels
  • released in 1994
  • produced by
  • record label
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Sleeps with angels tracklist

released 1994 via

1. My heart
2. Prime of love
3. Driveby
4. Sleeps with angels
5. Western hero
6. Change your mind lyrics
7. Blue eden
8. Safeway cart
9. Train of love
10. Trans am
11. Piece of crap
12. A dream that can last
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Change your mind song lyrics

When you get weak,
and you need to test your will
When life's complete,
but there's something
missing still
Distracting you from this
must be the one you love
Must be the one whose magic touch
can change your mind
Don't let another day go by
without the magic touch

Distracting you
(change your mind)
Supporting you
(change your mind)
Embracing you
(change your mind)
Convincing you
(change your mind)

When you're confused and
the world has got you down
When you feel used and
you just can't play the clown
Protecting you from this
must be the one you love
Must be the one whose magic touch
can change your mind
Don't let another day go by
without the magic touch

Protecting you
(change your mind)
Restoring you
(change your mind)
Revealing you
(change your mind)
Soothing you
(change your mind)

You hear the sound,
you wait around
and get the word
You see the picture
changing everything
you've heard
Destroying you with this
must be the one you love
Must be the one
whose magic touch
can change your mind
Don't let another day go by
without the magic touch

Destroying you
(change your mind)
Embracing you
(change your mind)
Protecting you
(change your mind)
Confining you
(change your mind)
Distracting you
(change your mind)
Supporting you
(change your mind)
Distorting you
(change your mind)
Controlling you
(change your mind)
Change your mind
(change your mind)
Change your mind, change your mind
(change your mind)
Change your mind
(change your mind)

The morning comes
and there's an odor in the room
The scent of love,
more than a million roses bloom
Embracing you with this
must be the one you love
Must be the one
whose magic touch
can change your mind
Don't let another day go by
without the magic touch

Embracing you
(change your mind)
Concealing you
(change your mind)
Protecting you
(change your mind)
Revealing you
(change your mind)
Change your mind, change your mind
(change your mind)
Change your mind
(change your mind)
Change your mind, change your mind
(change your mind)
Change your mind
(change your mind)
Change your mind, change your mind
Change your mind
Change your mind, change your mind
Change your mind
Change your mind, change your mind
Change your mind, change your mind

More info about Change your mind lyrics

check here the lyrics for Change your mind, the 6th song of the 12 recorded for the album Sleeps with angels, with a total running time of , by Neil Young. It was released on via , and produced by .
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